In all countries, water-saving solutions to deal with future shortages are among the strategies that are being developed as a priority. In France, for example, the reuse of wastewater is one of the key measures included in the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2018-2022 (PNACC-2).

In this context, OZOVAL has just developed a compact system, CERTOWASH, which recycles polluted water from car washes, without the addition of chemicals and without any health risk, self-sufficient in terms of energy and fully connected. It is estimated that the 6800 car washes in France consume around 30 million m3 of water per year and discharge just as much heavily polluted water! The cost of running a carwash depends essentially on three types of consumption whose price is constantly rising: energy, chemicals (soaps) and water. The only way to make savings is to recycle water. Water recycling also overcomes the problem of restricted water consumption for vehicle washing and/or watering during summer and/or drought periods, and treats pollution at source.

A car wash is generally equipped with :

  • 80% by high-pressure tracks, which require a quality equivalent to drinking water, as the water passes through small-diameter nozzles and risks clogging.
  • 20% by rollers. Existing recycling systems only recycle water destined for rollers, with average water quality and various operating problems (generation of sludge, smells (disinfection problems), etc.). This makes these systems uncompetitive, particularly in terms of return on investment and the quality of recycled water.

CERTOWASH is an innovative, completely ecological system, self-sufficient in terms of energy requirements and with no added chemicals. Its technology, based on hybrid ozonation, uses only renewable energies and oxygen from the ambient air. The proposed system is equipped with an in-line water quality analyzer at the system inlet and outlet. This analyzer ensures total safety of treated water quality. Indeed, if the desired treatment standards are not met, the system automatically recycles the effluent to achieve the desired objective. The system is maintained and monitored by an application (which manages the system remotely) and an associated robot.

The system will be installed on site in a mobile technical area. It will be supplied with wastewater from a tank that is often buried and collects all the wastewater. Treated water is stored in a clean water tank. In this way, all wastewater is treated and stored for later reuse. This principle enables the carwash to operate in a water loop, without discharging any pollution. Water top-up in the event of leakage and/or evaporation can be provided by the rainwater reserve already collected in the wastewater tank, oversized in relation to the total quantity of wastewater per day. The water top-up, estimated at a maximum of 10%, may be drinking water if necessary.



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